Something up with which I will not put

by Cheryl Snell

Outside seeped inside where my before had shut the door on your after. Now inside among, you turn the light down, and then out. Either I am dreaming or your words have learned to zig and zag around and about. Aside from that, they come aboard with the meanings all athwart. They lie about why your without is suddenly within again. Before they arise only to raze, I remember that across is but along, against beneath is beside, and between so near it almost convinces me that I never wanted you behind, with me this far beyond.


Cheryl Snell's books include four novels and poetry collections from Finishing Line, Pudding House, Moira Books, and others. Her work has most recently appeared in The Rye Whiskey Review, One Art, and Words and Whispers. Visit her on Facebook. She'll keep a light on.