Poor Thing

by Andrea Lynn Koohi

The dog had three legs but it didn’t care. It frolicked and rolled on the path ahead, barking and sneezing powder puffs of snow. It was there the whole time your words painted air, as the space between our footprints widened. I heard Things can happen over 21 years and it’s just a coincidence she’s 21 too. I wondered How long can a dog like that live? From every direction there were pitying smiles, the same kind directed at me these days, except now they’re obscured by my own breath in the cold, dancing alone before fading away.


Andrea Lynn Koohi is a writer from Canada with recent work appearing or forthcoming in Cleaver Magazine, Pithead Chapel, Emerge Literary Journal, Ellipsis Zine, Idle Ink, filling Station, Lost Balloon and others. Follow her on Twitter.