Hover, Bored

by Ivy Dillinger

Megan first noticed she was floating an inch off the ground when her slippers stopped making that satisfying shff shff sound on the kitchen floor. Panicked but determined, she marched into work with extra-long trousers and a new habit of aggressively pressing her heels down, as if she could will herself back to gravity. "Are you... taller?" Greg from accounting squinted, but she quickly faked a dramatic knee bend and muttered something about Pilates. By lunchtime, her secret was almost safe—until her heel caught on the breakroom table, sending her gliding backward like a haunted Victorian ghost. "New shoes," she blurted, grabbing the fridge handle to stop herself from drifting. HR sent out an email that afternoon politely asking employees to "please refrain from hovering during work hours."


Ivy Dillinger spends her days dreaming up strange scenarios and her nights wondering why they seem plausible. Her work has appeared in various corners of the internet, often in places where you least expect it.