
by Peter Burr

“Figure Drawing” was penciled in Jane’s curt script on the upper right-hand cover of the maize sketchbook Arthur discovered on the kitchen table. “Impressive,” he thought, paging through several drawings of a lithe female, “and so realistic for a beginner.” Arthur’s loving admiration flipped to disbelieving indignation when he turned to the last likeness – that morning’s sketch by his prim wife of a buff male torso with a member that was… enormous… and rendered in astonishingly comprehensive detail. At that moment, Jane opened the kitchen door with grocery bags in hand. She put them down and engaged her husband on the black-and-white tiled floor with a passion unknown since their Vancouver honeymoon twenty six years before. Although he had been primed to castigate, Arthur decided to give Jane a break; after all, who knew what Thursday’s class might bring?


Peter Burr is a consultant and writer based in South Florida, USA. His last story appeared in Friday Flash Fiction.