Silence Is a Stranger

by Kathryn Silver-Hajo

What we’d argued about seems beside the point. Mostly there was the sensation of my feet slipping on the shifting dune. A fall, a crash, a seemingly unbreachable silence. It took a death, a shared grief, to unravel it — our eyes meeting across a room filled with faceless mourners mollifying sadness with canapes, cake and wine. After that, it was almost easy. As if it had never even happened.


Kathryn Silver-Hajo writes short fiction, long fiction, and poetry. She studied in the Creative Writing MFA program at Emerson College and has a degree in Middle Eastern studies. Her stories and poems appear or are forthcoming in Cleaver Magazine, Unbroken Journal, The Drabble, The Ekphrastic Review, Boston Literary Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine, and Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Art Journal. She is currently seeking representation for her novel, Roots of The Banyan Tree. Kathryn’s work may be found here.