Navigating City Streets

by Lois Perch Villemaire

Mom walked confidently on the streets of downtown Philadelphia. She was well acquainted with the big departments stores, restaurants, and shortest way to get from place to place. For me, a walk along city streets wasn’t so glamorous. I was busy stepping carefully to avoid the metal grates on the inner edge of the sidewalk, afraid they might give way and I would tumble into an unknown dark abyss. Besides that, there were unfortunate souls sitting on the ground up against buildings looking scary to me, disabled in some way with a bowl or bucket in front. Mom leaned down to kiss my cheek, took my hand, and pulled me along to our next destination - lunch at the automat.


Lois Perch Villemaire resides in Annapolis, MD. Her stories, memoir flash, and poetry have been published in such places as Trouvaille Review, FewerThan500, The Drabble, Pen In Hand, North of Oxford, Flash Frontier, Flora Fiction and several anthologies published by Truth Serum Press.