Beige Brain?

by Jack Leonard

1273.6 cubic centimetres of gelatinous matter, housed in white shell, paraded in shades of skin so infinitely impossible to number as counting the hairs on so many heads. Exquisite the canvas: the murderous thoughts that action the gun, the vacancy of witnessing what it has done. Exhilarated thoughts of the race, of the chase, of the acquisition and then... the boredom, frustration and starting again. Beauty and grace and immeasurable space; the touch of a baby’s lips as he suckles at breast, the last kiss of a loved one and laying to rest. What’s mine is mine and yours is your own and yet… strikingly, you understand what I have always known. A thought that strikes me may find its echo in yours, how can that be when our minds are our own?


Jack Leonard lives in Ilkeston, Derbyshire, with his wife and two daughters where he runs nature-connection services and writing workshops in the great outdoors. He's lived in other places too but mainly inside his head. Writing is a way of stopping it from getting too crowded in there. His first published work, Dark Inscription, is available on Kindle. For more, stop by The Lighthouse at the End of the World.