She Decides

by Michael Ward

Scholars of life have posited that extreme love and extreme hatred diverge so completely on the scale of human emotion as to be almost indistinguishable. I have loved so absolute and immeasurable that the line separating the two emotions is blurred. Circumstances dictate what I would call this singular emotion at any given time... love and hate competes for publicity but remain the same feeling. This thought is disturbing... that the chasm that divides love and hate is not as wide as we profess it to be... that we can be so enamored with someone that we easily sway from love to hate to love to hate... all in the same breath... the same moment in time. Both love and hate demand that they are given freely and totally and without reservation... it is when we give only so much of either that we fail. To that end, I did not fail... I love... and hate her... it is consequently her that decides which.


Michael Ward is a Chicago based writer by night and a corporate hack by day.