
by Jai Morton

Perhaps the reality was that this feeling would come time and again - sparked by memories, hints of a past life, to which she never got to properly say goodbye. She was certain for a time that she would revisit it, that her future truly was there in that life, with those friends, those dreams and routines. There was something romantic about it after all - the stage was set for a classic, black-and-white film love story. Only, it wasn't black and white at all - rather, it was vivid, moving like the paint strokes of a van Gogh. But this was the future, and she saw herself now, painted entirely differently. She realised, in fact, that it was quite acceptable to let that feeling come, and then let it go - the intricacies of one's mind could be bitter, sweet, lustful, guilty and unnerving all at once, and still be permitted.


Jai Morton is an Australian writer and content creative based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fueled by a love of words, travel and storytelling, she is fascinated by the messiness of being human - how we think, feel and experience life. She writes a blog (loosely) connected to these themes.