
by Adam J. Whitlatch

David stares down at the blue denim-bound book nestled in his sweating palms. A lewd, drunken voicemail from a man he doesn’t even know led him to this book, tucked discreetly between the mattress and box springs. The book grows heavy in his hands and he almost considers putting it away, but can’t. He has to know the truth. His breath comes in ragged gasps as sobs of despair threaten to tear his heart to shreds. He swallows the sobs, takes a deep breath, steels his resolve, and with shaking hands he opens his wife’s diary.


Adam J. Whitlatch, who brought us The Show Must Go On, is the author of several horror and science fiction short stories as well as the novel The Blood Raven: Retribution. He lives happily with his wife Jessica and their two children on a little farm in southern Iowa, where he continues to work on his new science fiction novel, E.R.A. – Earth Realm Army. Check him out on MySpace, and tell him that you read his work here on 6S.