
by A.J. Patrick Liszkiewicz

As in written beside. As in your grandfather's typewriter, which no longer works but which you keep on your desk for sentimental value. As in no value at all, since sentiment cannot be touched or tasted or rubbed onto a washcloth. As in the filthy cotton square hanging in your bathroom, as in the room where it happened. As in past tense, as in it's been six months, as in you must think of the children now, as in I know a nice guy who works in accounting, as in a sign for the start of a new section of discourse. As in to run apart.


A.J. Patrick Liszkiewicz lives and works in Buffalo, NY, where he is an MFA student in Digital and Independent Filmmaking at The University at Buffalo. His poems appear or are forthcoming in Cranky, The Eleventh Muse, The New Hampshire Review, and Word for/ Word. Please visit his blog.