Good Morning

by Alex Green

Lashes flap together in joyous panic like a bird just realizing she has wings. As they kiss kiss each other goodbye for the last time, my eyes open. Pupils try to focus, to the right they see lamp, armoire, pictures of woman and I. To the left they see window stretched across wall like possibility and beyond them lies sun and street, my very reason for awakening. I lift up, neck circles counter and then clockwise, at each groove, snap, snap, snap. Finally, eyes look up and see ceiling but beyond the pupils the students of my iris see through the ceiling, see my only limits - the sky.


Alex Green is a liberal, a conservative, a realist, and a dream-deferring, self-described-in-a-box-aholic, who loves apathy, sensationalism and marginalization. (Or, he may just be a dreamer who is hoping this world changes...)