What I Learned About My Therapist from Facebook

by Rachel Weinhaus

Her birthday is June 26th. She, Amy, and Michelle went to Iceland; they wish they could go back. My therapist is a hiker. Or once, she went hiking. She needed an electrician in 2017, and over forty-three friends gave referrals. She's been a blonde, a redhead, and when she was tagged in an elementary school choir picture, I could spot her right away—second to the left, those bright, compassionate eyes—what I would give to like the photo—to crash into the computer and supplant myself beside her, to know her inside out, the way she knows me.


Rachel Weinhaus is a screenwriter and memoirist. She earned an MFA in screenwriting from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinema-Television and a BA in English and Creative Writing from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Her personal essays have been published in The Huffington Post, The Today Show, Newsweek, Insider, Kveller, and Brevity Blog. She’s published in Necessary Fiction and Micro Fiction Monday Magazine. Rachel is the author of “The Claimant: A Memoir of an Historic Sexual Abuse Lawsuit and a Woman's Life Made Whole.” Her website is here.