The Decision

by Tara Lazar

The man on the line emphasized the appointment, once confirmed, could neither be changed nor canceled. She stared at the “accept” button with laser focus, yet only hesitated for a flash, thinking of what Charles might say. But no, he had had enough, exhausted with the incessant quarrels, weeping and general mayhem which ruled their days. It was a mistake, he would assure her; it had always been a mistake. She left the door unlocked and remained in her bed chamber, as instructed, and it ended faster than she anticipated. Every trace of the children vanished — clothes, toys, even their cloying odor — and now she and Charles could return to a normal, carefree life.


Tara Lazar first published in Six Sentences a decade ago. She’s a literary chameleon, writing dark tales for adults but humor for kids. Her 10th picture book, BLOOP, from HarperCollins, features an alien who visits earth and believes the dogs are in charge. Follow her publishing escapades on Twitter.