
by Toby Tucker Hecht

She went on line to check out frequent flier programs, but when she entered the words in Google, weirdly, the phrase frequent bowel movements popped up, and so because she had been having some problems in that area for several days she clicked on the link and a website for the Mayo Clinic appeared. In the upper corner of the page, she noticed a tab for faculty and it started her thinking about back when she was in college and dated a medical student whose dream it was to be on the staff of that institution. Now she couldn’t remember why she broke up with Gerald Nash, or did he break up with her, but she clicked on the tab and was now faced with an alphabetical listing of names and sure enough, under “N” there he was, with his picture, even, which showed him to be even better looking than he was back in Minneapolis as a medical student. But, she didn’t know if he was married or in a relationship, so she quickly opened Facebook and found several dozen Gerald Nashes, but was able to narrow it down to a few including two Gerry Nashes, and then she saw his picture and although she didn’t recognized him right away she was sure it was him. His information was not available unless you were his friend but she was able to see that he was friends with someone she did know and had kept in touch with all those years. So that was how she started the quest she had no idea she would undertake until she began to search for a frequent flier program.


Toby Tucker Hecht lives and writes in Bethesda, Maryland. Her fiction has appeared in The Baltimore Review, Red Wheelbarrow, THEMA, The MacGuffin, RE:AL, Foundling Review, and of course, Six Sentences. A new story is forthcoming in Epiphany this spring.