
by Lauran Strait

Four-year-old Kyle, one of the ring-bearers-to-be, entered the church on the evening of the rehearsal. His six-year-old brother Paul followed three paces behind. "Look," Kyle said, pointing toward the pulpit, "there's a 'T' on the wall." "That's not a 'T,' dummy." Paul curled his fingers into a fist, then punched his brother's shoulder. "It's a plus sign, retard!"


Lauran Strait's work appears in more than fifty literary reviews, anthologies, journals, and e-zines. Featured on NPR's literary show, Word By Word, she's written a few novels and won an occasional writing contest or two. She edited for the sci-fi print magazine NFG, for The Gator Springs Gazette, and currently is the managing editor of the column section at Moondance Magazine. She teaches Techniques of Commercial Fiction and conducts writing workshops throughout the Tidewater area of Virginia. Most people think she's lazy as hell. (They're right!) Click here to visit her website.