
by Benjamin Robinson

On top of each stack I place a paperweight. Six small stones felt for through the snow, adding substance to essence, and protection for the bluster that periodically sweeps through things here. I re-sort, vertically, each individual pile in order of the contents' degree of lucidity, with the most transparent at the top, the most opaque at the bottom. My sorting method is perhaps not the most effective or efficient of tools to reach for, but once embarked on, my decisions are doomed to fruition. However stunted or rotten, they bear themselves through to completion with a heady abandon. That, or they are abandoned in an equally heady inconsistency.


Benjamin Robinson is an Irish writer and visual artist. He was born in 1964. His work has appeared online at 3AM Magazine, Dogmatika, and in "Sein und Werden" and "The Swallow's Tail" magazine.