The Breakup

by Daniel S. Irwin

Chad took Sheila's screaming obscenities at him over the phone upon her return from a month long visit to Saskatoon to take care of her sick mother as a subtle hint that their relationship was over. He had been looking forward to her getting back and now finds that she's become overly temperamental or just plain crazy. Ain't no way he needed to be hooked up with some psycho nut case. Chad, getting rid of everything of hers that he had at his place, removed the note Sheila had taped onto the door of his fridge before she left town... the note with her mother's phone number and... what's that scribbled on there? Feed the cat? The funny smell in Sheila's apartment should go away in a few weeks.


Daniel S. Irwin, author of Temple Most Holy and a 1980 "Write-In" Presidential Candidate, was abandoned by gypsies and raised in a capitalist commune. His work has been published in Krax, Moodswing, Zygote in My Coffee, Spin, and several other places. ("Daniel S. Irwin," the name itself, is enough said in some circles, and totally baffling in others.)